A few pictures from our walk today, the first stage of 57 on The Western Front Expedition from London to Paris. There were four of us today: my mother Stephanie, my brother Ben, and my good friend Jeremy. 2.3 miles down, only 697.7 to go!
Keeping the captions brief tonight. We’re starting tomorrow’s walk at 8.30am and I just don’t have time to do it full justice.
Tomorrow’s walk is Stage 2: Monuments and Memorials

Jeremy in the back streets of Lambeth. This was St Mary’s Gardens. We’re around the corner from The Ship here.

We’d booked a private tour of Lambeth Palace after lunch. This place is the London home of the Archbishop of Canterbury.

These are the gardens inside Lambeth Palace. Note the gold tinted Bath stone used in construction — unusual for London.

Close-up of The Tomb of the Unknown Warrior in Westminster Abbey. There’s a mirror-image tomb under the Arc de Triomphe in Paris. That’s where I’ll be finishing up the walk on October 31st.
Tomorrow: Stage 2: Monuments and Memorials
Responses to this topic: 2
Sue H said in 9-6-2014 @ 00:30:12
Great images! Looks like such fun. Stephanie, you look great; nice new hairdo! ;-). xxoo
Wendy said in 9-8-2014 @ 23:59:42
Great to see Steph with you in London – will she be staying there while you complete the great walk? Will follow your progress with interest. Love x